Archive for September, 2007


Class Record: Ukemi + Kukishin Shoden Gata + Nawa Waza

September 28, 2007

Class: Thursday 27th Sept

After a meaty “Sanshin” warm-up, the ukemi we looked at is from this dojo’s 8th Kyu syllabus: front, side and back breakfalls. When there’s no room to roll or rolling is unsafe these breakfalls are worth studying. We then applied some of the movements to techniques incorporating kicks and throws to show how the decending power can be applied. Later, during rope work, when ones hands are literally  tied, the breakfalls proved usefull for uke. No matt-slapping here!

I ran through the first 5 kata form Kukishin Ryu Dakentaijutsu just to return to the basics before Alex comes back. Everybody did well and I got some people to demonstrate.  Within the kata we paid attention to that drawing-out twisting power, the gedan uke nagashi, and the way one enters uke’s space.

The last 30 mins was spent on Nawa Waza or using the rope. I showed ways of using the tension to ensnare uke, of making loops on the fly and generally wrapping up uke. We used ropes, belts and the kyoketsu shoge. I think the rope work is a good way to express that Kuki Taisho feeling of this year.

Thought provoker: What are the real-world equivalents of ropes around you these days?

– Ali Martinez


Class Record: Kukishin Gyaku Waza + Striking

September 25, 2007

Class: Monday 24th Sept

Starting off with dive rolls and cartwheels got the blood going on a chilly evening, paying special attention to striking particular points to effect balance and open opportunities to take joint twists, body throws, and locks. As always I tried to get people to be able to kick freely. Our work on the Kukishin ryu throughout the year so far emerged out of us naturally – things like drawing uke out, setting up throws through balance breaking, footwork etc.

We also played with the idea of taking wrist locks and adding extra gyaku action half-way through to prevent uke’s smooth escape by either throwing away the wrist or jerking it inwards at the right time. For fun we did some ukemi against strikes from behind!

– Ali Martinez


Intro Course Autumn 07: Week 1

September 24, 2007

We had a little intro to the dojo space  and health and safety run-through, everyone signing in and receiving their dojo handbook.

We did a 10 minute warm-up and stretch. We then practiced basic forward rolling from natural posture. I looked at 2 postures and through the class these postures came  up in paired punching drills.  At the end I introduced the first kata “Ichimonji no kata” where everyone integrated footwork and punching.

At home: Practice the two postures, the roll, and the punch  from each posture. Just 20  mins a day in all thats needed.

– Ali Martinez


Class Record: Sanshin, Kodachi, Genseki Nagae, and Nawa Waza

September 24, 2007

Class: Saturday 22nd.

We looked at Genseki Nage up close done in a way thought by Shihan Peter King a few years ago that caused uke to be wound up and locked before the throw even begins.

Earlier Sanshin No Kata basics led us to do some henka with the kodachi… drawing and cutting …and then retention techniques and using the sheath This led to, playfull and free technique that inspired me to grab the rope and use that in the same way, not forgetting that we can still punch and strike when needed.

Thought provoker: how do you draw the kodachi when the sheath is not tied in?

– Ali Martinez


New Introductory Course – This Saturday, 22nd Sept

September 21, 2007

Because my class now includes the beginners for the first hour 3pm-4pm, all Saturday class atendees have  a chance to practice their basics along with them as well as to be given instruction on their own grade . They will also be expected to help the beginners when required. My class will continue with graded students from 4-5pm working on syllabus, the theme of the year and weapons.

– Ali Martinez


Class Record: Sanshin + Dakentaijutsu + Bo

September 21, 2007

Class: Thursday 20th Sept

It’s all a bit Autumny these days in Rathmines so we did a Sanshin warmup, 10 each side, each kata. We then paired up and did Chi and Sui no Kata toegther which led to some in- close variations attacking the eyes amd using the balance breaking to lock and strike. The elbow came into play in dfferent ways because of the close range. I also encouraged people to be aware of their kicking potential, being able to kick with either leg at any time in any direction i.e: Balanced movement.

After tea we practiced some Bo  – basic striking and then some bo vs bo ideas before playing with the bo used like a rope to entrap uke.

– Ali Martinez


Class Record: Kuki Taisho

September 18, 2007

Class: Monday 17th Sept

For this class Alex asked everyone to show a technique based upon the proceeding one. Alex started off and I attacked him with a kumiuchi throwing maneouver. Every single person did a whole range of counters to this attack, and later a punching one, that basically involved the same opening of taking the timing and redirecting uke’s direction. There were counter throws, strikes, kicks, lock and knockdowns and it was really all very impressive. Alex said that everyobody rose above expectations and it was a nice opportunity to let this years Kukishin training leak out of us naturally.

The “kuki taisho” I refer to is that feeling of spontaneous action performed by everyone with an open heart. You could really tell that most people didn’t try and engineer or intellectualise their way through the technique that they did. It was all consequential to good basics and studying taijutsu through Kukishin Ryu.

To paraphrase Alex: The natural pressure and fear felt in showing what you can do in front of your peers is a gift, especially to those that are new to it. It should be embraced and cherished when it happens before it’s gotten used to. There’s no way to recreate the actual threat of real violence in the dojo so opportunities to experience somwting close to it  are always welcome. Shidoshi going to Japan experience this same thing too so perhaps it’s never gotten used to.

 After tea the playfull feeling was continued with a little more specific technicality from seated and standing stikes.

– Ali Martinez


No class Saturday 15th September

September 14, 2007

Back on Saturday 22nd!


Class Record: 9th Kyu Syllabus + Grading

September 14, 2007

Class: Thursday 13th Sept

The Bujinkan Meehan Dojo 9th Kyu syllabus was practiced in depth by all students  before each of the 4 beginners attending sat and passed their test.  So congratulations to everyone!

 Remember that every item on each kyu grade syllabus is something that is studied throughout your Bujinkan training life. Bujinkan has  a non-linear learning method that means all items in previous grades should be re-studied with better understanding.

Also, grading in the Bujinkan is a reflection on your own personal improvement over time as observed by the teacher. 

– Ali Martinez


Class Record: Advanced ukemi + Suwari Gata + Kenjutsu

September 11, 2007

Class: Monday 10th Sept

We practiced 2, 1 and no handed rolling before applying some of the ideas to throwing counters.

The seated techniques involved some gyaku waza as well as  a chance for uke to practice various grabbing and punching skills from fudoza.

Sword work was pretty much a timing thing with a look at kamae and footwork.

There’s a grading for beginners on Thursday so they had a chance to go over their syllabus too.

Thought provoker: Rolling on concrete – ever done it?

 – Ali Martinez